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$Medal Legends
The first Airdrop is expected in Q2, 2025
The biggest campaign is with Free 300,000,000 $BIC. $BIC Airdrop campaign & Lucky gift for all users who create new accounts and complete missions.
Unlimited rewards for Medals
Total amount of $BIC released for Airdrop campaigns: 300.000.000 $BIC.
The rewards are Medals, which can be exchanged for $BIC after listing. Users may receive multiple Airdrops based on accumulated Medals.
The expected listing time is Q1.2025 and the first Airdrop is Q2.2025.
How to join?
Step 1
Create a new account or log in to the website to receive a Lucky Pass spins.
Step 2
Complete missions in the Earn ticket of or section on the BIC Group to earn more tickets and Medals.
Step 3
Invite more friends using your referral link to double your tickets and Medals.
Step 1
Create a new account or log in to the website to receive a Lucky Pass spins.
Step 2
Complete missions in the Earn ticket of or section on the BIC Group to earn more tickets and Medals.
Step 3
Invite more friends using your referral link to double your tickets and Medals.
More information